Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Happy Halloween everyone! I hope everyone is having fun today. As for me, I have no plans on Halloween. I have no costume! So here I am posting random post on my blog while playing Lucius when I actually have ESSAYS to finish.
I usually celebrate Halloween at my english course. But the past few years I did not dress up at all. I remembered I dressed up as kuntilanak once and I scared the sh*t out of the whole building. Ah, great times.. great times...
I wish I still have the photo, I would hapily post it here! *evil smirk* It should be somewhere inside the backup files of my old computer... I uploaded it to friendster, though (good old days with friendster). But, friendster is looooongg gone now (yep, it's gone. No more social network named Friendster). Even if it's still there, I've forgotten my username and password. And oh I don't really want to see what I've posted there. It's all in the past... let it be... let it be...
This morning, on my way to school, I passed a few people who already wore their costumes. I wish I had a costume!! I want to be slenderwoman!! But I don't have a tux, tie, and a pantyhose to cover my face! HA!

Anyways, here's a cute Jack o'lantern that suddenly popped up in the reception area at LCB (Chrissie doesn't even know who put it there).

Sunday, 28 October 2012


I feel like posting so I'm gonna post this random post...
maaf ya ga ada kabar setelah sekian bulan.. gue terlalu males buat nulis apa yang telah terjadi sama gue sekian bulan terakhir. Nulis essay aja boro-boro ada motivasi, apalagi nulis blog. huahaha... *dilempar panci kaldu*
Eniweis, gue ngepost random post ini karena gue kangen blog gue... huwaaa.. forgive me my sweet blog for not updating you in such a long time!!! GUE TERLALU GALAU BUAT NULISSSSSS...
Kenapa gue galau..?? Karena... Karena... Gabisa gue tulis di sini!!! ARGH~
Game of Thrones Season 3... kapankah engkau akan tayangg?? I need to see my sweet Lord Baelish... I miss you, my lord... :'( SETRES INI TIAP HARI NGELIATIN KEMBARANMU DI SINI!!!!
iya... yang bikin gue galau adalah orang yang mirip Lord Baelish ini... hiks...
lupakan, Nia.. lupakan... beralihlah... carilah pemandangan lainnya~ I NEED TO FIND A DISTRACTION~ THIS IS BAAAAADDDDDDDDD... *emosimeledakledak*
Dan dikala gue lagi ngegalauin Lord Balesih gue juga ngegalauin sang "mantan calon pacar". grrr~
this is crazy... why is my love life so damn complicated???!! why can't i just be like a normal girl??!!! (mungkin karena gue ga normal dari awalnya kali, ya...) haaaa~ *masukin kepala ke dalem oven*
I miss my girlfreind... (baca: kamera). I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER~ GIVE HER BACK TO MEEEEE~ *dilempar tripod*
Sibel's good.. tapi plastik frame layarnya ada yang patah... I don't know why, I don't know how... :'( I'm sorry Sibel..
Okay.. I think I'm going crazy... HUWAAA~ *masih galau* HIKS.....
Kadang pengen rasanya ke emotionless mode.. tapi kalo udah emotionless rasanya aneh.. feels like I'm not human and I shouldn't be around people... It's like I'm on "psychopath mode". Serba salah... --a

HAAAA~ gue laper *random*

*postingan ga mutu*