Saturday, 19 January 2013

Lava of Chocolate

Another week of baking!

Didn't bake much, though.

No macaron, no mint chocolate chips.

Why no macaron? Well, first, I still don't have the hazelnuts 
(i'm gonna make nutella macarons). And second, It has been raining all week, it even flooded! Yes, there is an epic flood in Jakarta right now. The air is too humid, I don't think it will be good for the macaron. I do not want to waste ingredients (and money), so I postponed it until it is sunny again in Jakarta.

Haven't found any good mint leaves. I've been looking from supermarkets to supermarkets. They are all... ugly. Seriously, the leaves are all black. Nope. I do not use shitty, cheap, funny looking ingredients. I'll make them as soon as i  find some good mint leaves.

I did some mini fruit tarts. Took me half a day to finish them. It was frustrating. Even though it was raining, the temperature here is still hot. It was 25 C and my pastry just wouldn't roll.

I used my school's recipe. I used it because it is PERFECT. I made my very first PERFECT tart at school and the process was fun cuz the pastry rolled out perfectly.
But here it was just too hot. Even though I already put the dough in the fridge, it melted in minutes as soon as I got them out. Frustrating, I tell you. Frustrating!

So, I ended up making this yesterday:

I couldn't go anywhere because of the flood. I have always wanted to make this, but I actually don't like chocolate that much. They are okay, but not okay for me if I eat too much chocolate. 
After I made this, I'm forever in love with chocolate!

This cake was YUM. My mom told me it was a little too sweet. Maybe it was because of the chocolate I used. I don't really know how many % it was. It should be 70% dark chocolate. But, the baking chocolates here don't have any information of how many percent cocoa it contains. It would've been perfect if it was 70% dark chocolate.

But, anyway, it was yum. Thank you for Kak Asya for helping me out. :)

I got the recipe from Nigella Lawson's website here.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

take me home~

I haven't posted any decent post lately...
Sorry, guys, I was too lazy... Haha~
Going back to Indonesia has driven me crazy. Everything makes me crazy here; the traffic, the people, the HEAT.
I have to re-adapt myself when I came back. Everything is so different from New Zealand here. Most of them are different in a bad way.
A few weeks ago, I went with my sister to the most complete shopping mall in town. It's not really big, but it has everything in there. You can find everything from underwear to computer motherboard. I don't even know how they managed to put each and every store in that mall there.
The mall is called Mangga Dua. It is really famous. People come to Jakarta to shop there because everything is way cheaper than anywhere else.
The funny thing is, there are a lot of Chinese tourists that come to shop here. Chinese people shopping, what's the funny thing about that? Well, the funny thing is that MOST OF THE THINGS SOLD THERE WERE MADE IN CHINA. They went all the way to Jakarta to buy things that were made in their country. *double facepalm*
Anyways, back to the story about me and my sister shopping. We went there to buy some decoration properties for a new year's event. There was nothing wrong until... I walked through a wide corridor filled with merchandise on the sides so there was only one path for people to go back and forth and I was walking behind a woman that walks really.... really.... re... a.... ll...y.... s.....l....o....w....
I do not like to walk slow. I always walk fast, really fast! If I had lost my mind back then, I could have choked that lady to death on the spot for walking like a snail.
Another thing that frustrated me was when I was waiting for people in front of me to move because it was really crowded and suddenly there was this guy that slipped right in front of me. I was like WHAT THE F#%&?! I swore to you that I almost pushed him to his death right there. Almost.
Traffic. Yes, the traffic in Jakarta is just the best. In the best days, you can get from the western part of Jakarta to the Central Business District in 3.5 hours! Don't you think it's lovely? And it's not even more than 50 km (I guess).
Yes it was a sarcasm.
Living in Jakarta, you get old on the road. You'll spend half your life in traffic jams. Why, oh why??!!
I can't go outside when I am bored to have a little nice walk and come back when I'm tired here because the crime rate is really high here. All I do everyday is eat and sleep. I'm getting fat.
Sometimes my mom would ask me to go to the mall, but i refuse. I don't really like to go to malls, especially with mom cuz we'll be browsing old lady's clothing and other boring stuff. Shopping is not my stuff (except shopping for computers, camera, kitchen equipments, or games).
I wanted to go out with my friends but they all live outside town (cuz my high school was outside of town). My dad still won't let me drive by myself. So, here I am everyday rotting alone in my room.
I wanna go homeeeee~ soon!!
But I can't cuz my parents won't allow me.
And I'm currently waiting for a game that I ordered online that I can't find anywhere here. Geez... everything is hard to find here!