Thursday, 22 July 2010

Bye Melina.. :'( -- (hellow new fan of GSR!)

I am soooooooo disappointed!
my favorite actress is no longer playing in CSI:NY! argh! you're so mean melina. hope you come back.. :'(
i'll be waiting for you till CSI:NY VERY VERY LAST SEASON!

anyway, since Melina is gone, there will no longer be a Stella Bonasera in there. (huhuhu TT). Sela Ward's going to replace Melina. i haven't heard what character she'll be playing and what's her name. (Sorry, Sela, i think i will hate you because you replaced my favorite actress and character in there).

as a shiper of SMacked, this news is very very shocking for me (and my other friends who ship SMacked too). we all screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO WATCH CSI:NY WITHOUT MELINA KANAKAREDES!"

but, what can we do? it was Melina's decision and we are all just a big BIG fan of her in the land far far away from America, Indonesia. well, Indonesia's a big country actually, pretty famous for the negative things we have. ha! i just hate this part of Indonesia. i just love the culture and tourism that we have here really, Melina, we all just hope you'll come back to CSI, maybe Stella will be Mac's girlfriend one day *still hoping*. just keep the SMacked alive well, anyway.. i'm still so sad because of this news. season 7 is going to star shooting on 28th July. THE SAME DAY CSI:TRILOGY GOING TO AIR IN AXN! ARGH! Because there will no longer be SMacked in CSI:NY season 7, i have another couple that i am shiping right now (even though they are no longer playing in CSI:LV too), GSR! Grissom Sara Romance! i was sooooo soooo late to watch CSI:LV! and i just notice how the character Grissom and Sara made a good couple. and i love how CBS made a video for GSR too! ha! it was so romantic! watch for yourself :)

then, i started searching for their photos and fanvids too. OMG! i can't stop smiling! haha! they are so cool! even cooler than SMacked (sorry Mac n Stella). and because CSI:NY broke my heart (because of the news that Melina is leaving), i decided to remove the SMacked videos from my iPod and replace it all with GSR. but i kept Stella's fanvid, though. :D

i can't stop screaming "OMG! THIS IS SO ROMANTIC!" everytime i see the video i put in this blog post.. they are so cute together. i just don't understand why Grissom doesn't realized Sara's feeling from the first time. it makes me want to throw a spider to him and say "OI, Grissom! look at that girl! SHE LOVES YOU! CAN'T YOU JUST SAY YES?!" (i'm watching from season 1 till season 3 right now)

i can't wait to buy season 4-9! there are a lot to buy... ==a
but IDC! i wan't to see GSR got together and the romance inside that creepy lab (haha!). not like SMacked ==a (OH GOD STELLA! WOULD YOU JUST COME BACK TO HELP US SMACKED SHIPERS TO JUST HAVE A LITTLE HOPE FROM YOU AND MAC?!)

gyaaahh!!! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! I AM FALLING IN LOVE TO GSR RIGHT NOW! but i really do wish that grissom and sara was still playing. CBS stopped them because they said that it turned the film into a soap opera (but it was a really good anyway, romance is a big thing to be slipped in the middle of a serious film like that. haha! XD)

well, there's still Hodges and Wendy in CSI. haha... maybe i'll ship them when i watch season 10.. :P

ah, i still remember the scene when Sara kissed Grissom in front of Hodges. hand Hodges was like "OMG! My boss is kissing with his GF in front of me?! should i give them time alone or what? i need to report this result to the boss, though? :(" hahaha.

but he's cute with Wendy.. :P

go Hodges n Wendy!

oh yeah, i saw a few photos that Catherine and Nicky (argh! my handsome Nick!) were kissing?! are they seeing each other?! hahaha..

how about Ray? xD he always looks so serious. even more serious thatn Grissom.. :S

aaaa.. i love all the romance in CSI!!! XD




n 4 Melina~ :)

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